Five Essential Ways to Hire the Best

Five Essential Ways to Hire the Best

Alice Cheng Oct 6 , 2016

Hiring practices across industries have evolved. Talent sourcing is not what it used to be and the game has changed for the better. New tools and new ways to communicate may seem cumbersome to navigate, but they are absolutely necessary to stay competitive in the talent sourcing arena. Employers should pick appropriate channels to communicate with potential candidates and have an ongoing conversation. There are plenty of talented people looking to work for great companies and timing is everything.


The restaurant industry is tough, it has a multitude of challenges that other industries don’t face but the level of energy and passion that hospitality industry workers possess is unparalleled. The trick is to find those passionate workers, where ever they may be, and get them interested in what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with. There has never been a more exciting time to be a part of the dining evolution no matter which side of the hiring table you are on.


Below are a few best practices that businesses should consider when hiring.

1. Project your brand as an employer. What is your team culture and why would someone want to be a part of it? What can someone get from working with you and your team that is unique? What do you do better than others? The tables have turned and employers now have to “sell” their value proposition to potential candidates to attract the right people. Be thoughtful of how you consistently portray your brand to industry talent.

2. Choose the right tools and services. Select tools and services that align with your brand message and company culture.The companies you work with to help with your talent sourcing needs should uphold the integrity of your brand. Look around at the tools other respected restaurants are using and fold those sites and services into your operations. Tools should save you time and money and allow you to connect directly with potential candidates.

3. Highlight your existing staff.  Highlight your team members publically and share a personal story. This is a very effective way to give praise to a hardworking staff member and is a very effective recruiting tactic. Hiring is an ongoing team sport. Your current employees are your best recruiters, encourage them to be involved and empower them to share!

4. Build your pipeline of talent. Think about longer term and always be on the lookout for talent. Look outside your current city to build relationships and encourage your leadership to do the same. Expand your reach and search, there are tools such as Culinary Agents which enable all of these new talent sourcing tactics. Assume that industry professionals are always on the lookout to learn and many are willing to travel for the right opportunity.

5. Be truly willing to train your staff. Some businesses do a great job of this and have seen the benefits in talent retention as well as overall employee satisfaction. Being “qualified” is subjective.Prioritize which skills are a must and which are nice to have based on the position and highlight the two or three qualities that get you and your leadership team excited. Anticipate their learning needs and help them with their skills gaps.  If the candidate has a strong work ethic and base to build upon, nurture it. Put in the time and if the the employee leaves, know that your efforts will still have a positive impact on the overall industry.

About Alice Cheng & Culinary Agents

Alice Cheng is the founder and CEO of Culinary Agents, a professional networking and job matching website dedicated to the food, beverage and hospitality industry. To learn more and find out how they can benefit your business or career, visit them at



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