Weekly Pick: Broccoleaf

Weekly Pick: Broccoleaf

Baldor Editors Dec 7 , 2015

BroccoLeaf is the new organic super green! With all the wonderful nutrients of broccoli, the BroccoLeaf (short for broccoli leaves) provides even more versatility and vibrancy to your food.

With a lighter, sweeter taste than the broccoli crown, this new cultivated organic leaf has immense appeal. These are the young leaves of the broccoli plant that grow around the crown before the crown is born. They have a lighter, sweeter flavor than the broccoli head itself and are smoother and milder than either kale or collard greens. BroccoLeaf is perfect for juicing as each stalk is full of nutritious juice. It wilts like spinach when steamed, sauteed or boiled and can be sliced into chiffonade and used raw in salads - the leaves soften nicely when dressed in vinaigrette. BroccoLeaf is also delicious simmered in soups and the gently steamed leaves - with their broad, fan shaped configuration - are strong enough to use as a veggie wrap.

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